This division is the next step up from the Learn to Play division (LTP) but still part of the Softball Canada LTP program. You do not need to have participated in the LTP division to join.
This division you will learn more skills, positional playing and still have fun.
Children will learn to be part of a team, learn the basics of softball and get to participate in sport.
We try hard to make sure friends play together.
Your child is sure to enjoy learning softball in this fully developed Softball BC (SBBC) program.
Location: Fleetwood Athletic Park 80th Ave between 156th and 160th St. (beside the High School)
Birth Years: 2017 & 2018
Session Days: Mondays and Wednesdays
Session Times: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Season time frame: April to June
Equipment needed: runners or cleats, glove, and batting helmet
Registration Cost: $75 (plus volunteer deposit)